Sunday, February 10, 2008

Personal Adornment Reflection

My choice of dress on a daily basis is very casual. I like to wear jeans, a colorful t-shirt of sorts, maybe a sweatshirt or jacket, and some tennis shoes. Some days I am in the mood to wear my athletic clothes. This is usually on a day when I don’t want to get too dressed for school and I am going for more comfort than fashion. I never dress very flashy and I would say that I dress fairly conservatively. I think that my clothes do reflect that I am an easy-going person. I also think that my clothes reflect that I value to look nice but don’t feel the need to be following the latest fashions of New York and high European fashions. I choose to dress with my casual attire because I feel it is safe. I don’t have to worry if I am wearing something correctly or if I am making a huge fashion mistake. Also to be quit frank, I am not a morning person and I would prefer to sleep an extra 20 minutes than to contemplate what to wear. You can’t go wrong with a cute t-shirt and a pair of jeans. My style has changed a lot over the last few years though. I have always had a casual take on latest fashion but in high school I would say 4 days out of the 5 days I was wearing a cute outfit that I picked out the night before(due to the lack of motivation in the mornings) with a pair of boots or more designer looking shoe. I also did my hair and make-up everyday. I think that I did this in high school so much because of my maturity level. I was very concerned with how my peers viewed me and I never wanted to be talked about in a negative way. Now as I have grown and matured I realize that there is no right or wrong fashion, it is what ever makes you comfortable.

I was raised in a Catholic household and I attended a Catholic school from kindergarten until 8th grade. All nine years I wore a uniform. I feel as if the uniform reflected our values in a very apparent way. My mother would pick me up from school and we would go to the store for dinner supplies, and there I was walking around in my little plaid skirt, polo shirt with the logo of the school. But growing up in my house my parents always allowed for me to express myself as individual but due to the influences of my schooling I naturally dressed more conservatively and still do to this day. I never found anything odd or lacking in my fashion choices then and I still don’t to this day.

I feel that my peer community here in Eugene is very large and diverse. You see all walks of life here, and I love that. It really depends on the person in how they express their beliefs through their dress. My little group of friends is a good group that illustrates this. One of my friends is all about the high fashion, she wants to move to New York, where she can wear the fashion comfortably on the street. Then there is one girl who doesn’t really have a specific kind of fashion. Everyday it is a little different. Some days she is really dressed up, then the next just casual, and then she might wear athletic gear. We are all really similar in values and beliefs but at the same time we are very different. I think that the way we dress exemplifies this.


Yao Yan said...

"You can’t go wrong with a cute t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "

Exactly! t-shirts and jeans are my favorite clothing style on a daily basis. It seems that they are never gonna be out of date. I feel comfortable, safe and confident when wearing those.

I refuse all flashy things including any decoration on my cloth. Fancy clothes are not my type. I remember when I was in high school, another reason I never choose distinctive colors or flashy decoration on my cloth is that it reduced the possibility that teachers call me to answer questions in class.

KaitlinCathcart said...

You and I, much like that of Yao Yan tend to have similar dress styles as they are comfy, yet casual, yet do not cause reason to be potentially criticized for any reason, as it seems to be one of the most common outfits worn around campus. I too felt as though highschool was one big dress competition. One's style could almost definitely reflect the 'group' they could be placed into as far as popularity is concerned.

Doesn't it seem a bit strange to think that this is the outfit that is considered the most popular in society today? What would it be like if the outfit consisted of chains and no color, or better yet, a skirt and nice cute t-shirt but with chains, tatoos, and piercings. How is it that this outfit is what is most valued in society?

spennyshot44 said...

So, even though I'm a guy, I think that our dressing methods are very similar. I too would rather sleep than worry about things such as clothes. I have my mornings down to an art where I wake up one hour before I have to be in class: 15 minutes to get out of bed (yes it takes that long), 15 minutes to get ready (getting dressed, contacts, brushing of teeth, etc.), 15 minutes to eat, and 15 minutes to get to class ( I usually take longer on the eating then hurry on my bike to class).
I also, don't really wear clothes that stand out; I can't stand attention that is for how I look. It's usually just whatever feels the most comfortable; jeans is dressing up for me which brings me to the ol' you can't go wrong with a shirt and jeans (sorry for omitting "cute").
I too, in high school, cared a little bit more about the way I looked but that was mostly because I was the student body president of my school and I never knew when I was going to have to meet with people such as school board members, superintendents, and other visitors. I think it is a good thing to look respectable but sometimes it's nice to be able to be comfortable in sweats.

therealbeatlegirl said...

In reading everyones blog about how their style has changed throughout their school years I wonder if in five years, after you're out of college and working, if your style will be different. I can see you'll dress for work, but during down time, I wondered how many years the current style of dressing will last. I think it was reading the responses to this blog that made me think that jeans and comfortable clothes never go out of style.