Thursday, January 17, 2008


My 20 values, listed from the most important to the least important.
Personal Development
Personal Accomplishment

I found this to be a lot harder than I expected. With the middle values i found it incredibly difficult to rank. I feel as if a lot of the values build off of each other, for example without security for myself and family, i do not think I could have that much enjoyment. With my days activities laid out in front of me in a chronological list, I can see that my list of values are reflected in my daily activity. I started my day by heading to class, which reflects my #5 value of wisdom. From there I made the effort to see and talk to my friends and roommates throughout the day reflecting my #3 value of friendship. As the afternoon approached I took the time to hit the gym for some cycling action, and then returned to my apartment to figure out what I wanted to eat for dinner. This reflects my #4 value of health. After i started my homework, I received a phone call from my little brother and talked to him about his day and all it entailed. I found this to be one of the most enjoyable activities of the day. I feel that this truly reflects my value list with family being my #1.

My family is very important to me, you can see this clearly in my value list because they are my number one. I have inherited many belief patterns from my family, for example schooling. My parents have instilled in me the importance of education. They have always told me that I have all the potential in the world and education can only help me achieve it not hold me back. There really is not a belief pattern that my family has exemplified that i view as invalid. I feel that they all have had a positive influence and they are beliefs patterns that I will pass on to my children one day. One goal that i haven't quite accomplished yet is graduating, but really the thing that holds me back from that is time; you can only take so many classes in a term, hahaha. And hey I'm on track to getting my four-year degree in four years.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

In this blog it talks about a new "green" vehicle, called the Air Car. This new car is powered by the expansion of compressed air, so there are zero emissions. It is a cheap alternative to gas powered cars. It can be as low as $7000 to purchase and it can go about 42 miles on only a dollar fill-up. There are some skeptics that are not sure how much impact the car could still have on the environment; considering the car does require some electricity and electricity does requires fossil fuels to be made. I think that this is an amazing development. I hope that the car's makers can work out any and all kinks so that it can start to be utilized as soon as possible. This article shows just how much more our World is becoming green and more respectful to the Earth.